About Auction Line Items

Each campaign consists of one or several line items. You can run an ad only after creating a campaign and at least one line item.

A line item is where you will select the products and the retailer you'd like to advertise on. Each line item can consist of multiple featured products, but can only run across 1 retailer. To run across multiple retailers, you will need to create multiple line items.

There is also a number of line item settings to help you spend your budget wisely and optimize your delivery.

Here is a video that you can follow step by step when building your first line item in RMP.

Line Item Organization

Line items can and should feature multiple products. You do not need to have a new line item for each product you want to promote.

When thinking about your line item strategy, it is best to think of what makes sense for your brand and what products align with each other. You can also organize your line items by KPIs.