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Attributed Transaction Log

The Attributed Transaction Log (ATL) report provides a large data set for additional insights on products that were purchased and attributed to your ads. The ATL allows you to see every attributed transaction for a campaign. This report can be used to compare the time the ad displayed with the time the purchase was made and the product that was advertised with the product that was purchased.

Users can select 1 or many campaigns using the dropdown selector in the top right. After selecting your campaigns, select the date range you want to pull data for, and then press the download button. All data for all selected campaigns will then be pulled into one excel (or .csv) file for you to download.

Campaign Summary

The campaign summary report gives an overview of a specific campaign’s performance.

It includes a summary of the main campaign metrics, fully interactive charts with customizable metrics, as well as an overview of the top performers (top product categories, top SKUs, top page types).

On the top of the report, you will see four key metrics that represent the overall campaign trends over time. You can select the metrics of your choice.

Below that, a bar and dot chart lets you compare Spend and ROAS performances from multiple angles at once, including Top 5 Product Categories, Top 10 Products, and Top 5 Page Types.

Finally, you can see several sections for top performers. For more detail, you can click on ‘Go to dashboard’ and access more granular data in the Activity Dashboard.

Since this report only works for one campaign at a time, you can use the drop-down menu on the top right corner of the page to choose another campaign to display.