Daily Cap Overrides
CMax supports two monthly and three daily (automated, fixed, none) pacing options which apply to the line item’s entire flight and considers the line item’s total budget.
The Daily Cap Override is an additional daily cap that is optional. Users can use a Daily Cap Override to set a distinct budget cap for a specific day or period within the line item’s flight.
With a Daily Cap Override, you can schedule spend in advance and control exactly when and how much a line item can spend up to.
How does a Daily Cap Override work?
Setting a Daily Cap Override is optional. Whenever it is relevant, the budget cap specified by the Daily Cap Override will supersede the budget cap set by the Daily Pace setting.
During non-applicable days, pacing will be determined by the Daily Pace amount.
How do I create or edit a Daily Cap Override?
To create or edit a Daily Cap Override,
Find the line item for which you want to create or view a Daily Cap Override
Click on the edit icon in the Daily Pace column
A pop-up should appear, showing the daily pacing settings
Click on Manage on the bottom right and access the Daily Cap Override tool. In this tool, you can see and edit the existing active or upcoming Daily Cap Overrides, as well as create new ones.
Create a Daily Cap Override
Click on the Add button. A new row will be added to the table where you can specify the start and end dates and the daily cap value. Don't forget to click on the validation icon to save it. Your new cap is ready and visible on the table. You can create multiple overrides, however, they all have to be on different dates.
Edit a Daily Cap Override
Simply click on the edit icon, modify the settings and click on the validation icon to save it.
By default, the table will show only active or upcoming Daily Cap Overrides which are automatically sorted in chronological order. Daily Cap Overrides of any status can be deleted at any point in time.

Monthly Cap Overrides
CMax supports two monthly and three daily (automated, fixed, none) pacing options which apply to the line item’s entire flight and consider the line item’s total budget.
The Monthly Cap Override is an additional monthly cap that is optional. Monthly Cap Overrides can be used to adjust the budget of a single month without removing the Monthly Cap from the whole flight. Pacing will adjust for the month with the Monthly Cap Override to the new set amount.
With a Monthly Cap Override, you can schedule monthly budget caps in advance, and control exactly how much a line item can deliver up to each month.
How does a Monthly Cap Override work?
Setting a Monthly Cap Override is optional.
A Monthly Cap Override will be respected over the default monthly cap option (Fixed, None) when applicable. During non-applicable months, the budget cap specified by the Monthly Pace setting will be used.
Monthly Cap Overrides are also used to calculate the daily needed spend for the “Automated” pacing option.
How do I create or edit a Monthly Cap Override?
To create or edit a Monthly Cap Override,
Find the line item for which you want to create or view a Monthly Cap Override.
Click on the edit icon in the Monthly Pace column.
A pop-up should appear, showing the monthly pacing settings.
Click on Manage on the bottom right and access the Monthly Cap Override tool. In this tool, you can see and edit the existing active or upcoming Monthly Cap Overrides, as well as create new ones.
To create a new Monthly Cap Override, click on the Add button. A new row will be added to the table where you can select the month and enter the monthly cap value. Don’t forget to click on the validation icon to save it. Your new cap is ready and is visible on the table. Note that you can create multiple overrides, however they must be for different months.
To edit a Monthly Cap Override, simply click on the edit icon, modify the settings and click on the validation icon to save it.
Also, keep in mind that Monthly Cap Overrides are budget caps. The line item has the opportunity to spend up to that specific amount, but might not spend the entire amount.