Domain & App Bundle Lists
Domain & App Bundle lists are the targeting websites your Offsite line items will choose to target or exclude. By default, all line items have the Criteo blocklists for domains (websites) and app bundles (apps) applied. You can choose to apply additional lists if there are areas you want to make sure your ads do not appear on.
Lists can be used as an include or an exclude tool.
Lists can be used to make Allow Lists, meaning your ads will only appear on the websites you have specified in your list.
Lists can also be used as Block Lists, meaning your ads will avoid appearing on those websites

How to Build a List
To access the List Builder Tool
Click Shared Library in the top navigation bar of Commerce Max.
Select Domain/App Lists
Building a List
On the list dashboard, click the +List button in the top left corner
Choose from Create a domain list and Create an app list
Next, enter a name of the list in the Domain list name section
Make sure the name you select is recognizable to find it when you need to apply it to your line item.
In the Domain source field, you can enter the list of domains or apps. You can choose between Enter text or Upload file.

How to Apply a List
Applying a domain or app bundle list is simple.
Select the line item you want to apply the list to
Go to the Targeting step of the line item workflow
Scroll down to access the Domain Lists and App Bundle Lists section
Click the edit icon for the format you wish to apply the list to
In the pop-up, search for your list name
Select the check mark icon to make your list an allow list
Select the cross icon to make your list a block list
Select the '-' icon to remove a domain from any list
Select Save and save your line item and you are all set
Domain and app bundle lists must be added to each individual line item you want to apply them to.