Product & Placement Impressions

There are two types of impressions that can be measured to know the success of your ads: placement impressions and product impressions.

Onsite Display campaigns have placement impressions, and Auction campaigns have product impressions. For accounts with both types of campaigns, both these types of impressions are included in the Impressions column of reports.

Placement Impressions

For Onsite Display campaigns, a placement impression is counted for one ad, regardless of how many products it includes. Depending on the creative type, an ad could include many products per one ad, one product, or even no products.

Product Impressions

For Auction campaigns, a product impression is counted for one sponsored product ad. A sponsored product ad always features one product, with one brand, in one category. 

Impressions in Reports

In reports that contain impressions, all types of impressions are included. So if an account contains Onsite Display Campaigns and Auctions campaigns, both placement impressions from Onsite Display campaigns and product impressions from Auctions campaigns are included in the total number of impressions.