Audiences Overview

The Audiences and Segments tab under Shared Library serves as the central repository for all your created audiences and provides the capability to generate new audiences as needed. 

To access the Audiences and Segments tab:  

  • Select Shared Library on the top navigation bar.  

  • From the drop-down menu, choose Audiences and Segments.  

Audiences built here can be used across multiple Offsite Campaigns and Line Items.

Audience Types

On the left-hand side of the Audiences and Segments tab, you’ll see the different types of audiences you can target.

  1. Custom audiences let you target customizable audiences built from retailer events and CRM data.

  2. Automated audiences are ai-powered audiences that target a retailer’s entire audience and automatically finds the users most likely to convert.

Audience Library

Audiences consist of people you wish to target in your marketing campaigns, grouping them based on specific characteristics, interests, or shopping behaviors. 

The Audience Library houses your list of created audiences and allows you to generate new audiences directly through the Audience Builder. A new tab will appear for this purpose.  

You will see the following details for each of the existing audiences: 

  • Name: The designated name for the audience. 

  • Channel: Indicates the use of each audience/ segment for Onsite, Offsite or Onsite/ Offsite.*  

  • Linked Line Items: All line items associated with the created audience.  

  • Offsite Size: The number of people we’ll aim to reach with your ads on the open internet.

  • Onsite Size: The number of people we’ll aim to reach with your ads on the retailer’s website.

  • Retailer: The Retailer to which the audience is attributed.  

  • Last Updated: The most recent modification that was made to the audience.  

  • Created By: The user responsible for the creation of the audience.

To create a new audience:

  1. Click the +Audience button on the page.

  2. You can now create the audience in the Audience Builder.

In our Commerce Max platform, an audience segment can consist of Event Segments and/or Contact List Segments. 

Currently, Contact Lists can be uploaded by the retailers manually into the platform or via the SFTP Server and API.

And, our Audience Builder allows you to combine these Event Segments and Contact List Segments to create an Audience Segment you can target in your campaigns. 

After creating an audience, you can associate it with a Line Item so that the Line Item targets those shoppers. The Line Item and the Audience must be targeting the same brand and have the same retailer to be associated with each other. See How to Associate an Audience to a Line Item for more information.

Audience Builder

The Audience Builder is a tool that grants fine-tuned control over audience targeting strategy, enhancing precision and effectiveness in reaching the desired audience. It is a powerful tool designed to empower you with the capability to create highly targeted audience segments by seamlessly combining various segments. 

Audiences built here can be used across multiple Offsite campaigns and Line Items. 

When building an audience in the Audience Builder, the size shown in the top right corner will be the Onsite size. You can toggle this to show the Offsite size by clicking the Switch to Offsite size.

In our Audience Builder, you can mix and match Events and Contact Lists, combining them with algebraic operations such as OR & AND, and Include & Exclude to create specific audiences to target in your campaigns.   

  • Combinations:  

    • Or: Combine segments with "or" to target anyone fitting either segment.  

    • And: Combine segments with "and" to target only individuals fitting both segments.  

  • Intersections:  

    • Include: Target people as part of this segment with your ads.  

    • Exclude: Ensure people in this segment are not targeted by your ads.

These operations work with the concept of Boolean Logic which you can learn more about here How to build an audience? 

Types of Segments 

Segments are the building blocks of the Audience Builder, forming the basis of audiences. There are two types of segments: